Heavy infestation: Apply once a day for a heavy infestation and reduce applications to once every 3 days after infestation is controlled.To ensure contact with the pest, cover the under and over sides of the leaves. Apply onto the foliage of the plant until the canopy is evenly saturated. oz.) per 1 gallon of water and apply as a foliar spray. Cannabis Aphid, Rice Root Aphid, Bean Aphid, Green Peach Aphid, Foxglove Aphidįoliar Spray: Dilute 15 – 30 mL (0.5 – 1.0 fl.Two-spotted Spider Mite, Broad Mite, Hemp Russet Mite.These insecticidal oils are combined with proprietary emulsifiers and surfactants for enhanced water-to-oil bonding, spreadability, and effectiveness against the target pests. Source: Organic Laboratories, Inc.Mercenary is an all-natural insecticide derived from essential oils that prevents and controls eggs, juveniles, and adult forms of soft-bodied insects. It is people, pet and planet safe! It is available for purchase at select Home Depot, Walmart and Independent Hardware and Nursery retailers. It is safe enough to use near aquatics and it won’t harm beneficial insects like ladybugs, butterflies, or our precious pollinating bees. It has been proven effective in destroying all life stages of small soft-bodied insects (including aphids, fungus gnats, leaf rollers, psyllids, spider mites, scale and whiteflies) and controlling fungal diseases (like powdery and downy mildews). Organocide ® Bee Safe 3-in-1 Garden Spray is an insecticide, miticide and fungicide that has been used in organic gardening for more than 27 years.
*Maximum application test rate applied at full concentration. Overview of the honey bee mortality after 48 h acute contact with Organocide Bee Safe 3-in-1 Garden Spray. The goal of the definitive test was to determine the dose-response curve for honey bee mortality after a 48 h acute contact. “A laboratory study followed EPA (2012) test guideline to assess acute contact toxicity of Organocide Bee Safe 3-in-1 Garden Spray (Sesame oil 5%) to honey bees (Apis mellifera). Recently, i2LResearch, a leading product testing center headquartered in the United Kingdom, evaluated the effects of Organocide ® Bee Safe 3-in-1 Garden Spray on honey bees. These recent changes have been the driving force for agricultural producers, nurseries and home gardeners to seek a “bee friendly” alternative. Environmental Protection Agency has restricted its use while bees are present. In order to protect the honey bee, the European Union has banned the use of those neonicotinoids outdoors and the U.S. Three-fourths of the world’s flowering plants and approximately 35 percent of the world’s food crops depend on animal pollinators to reproduce.Ī steady decline in the bee population has been attributed to colony collapse disorder, caused in part by certain neonicotinoids that are used as pesticides. Organic Laboratories, Inc., a leading producer of organic and earth-friendly pesticides and fertilizers, is the first to market a bee safe pesticide. Most of humanity is well-aware of the vital role bees play in pollinating flowering plants.